Boost of greeness and flovor – matcha mixed with pandam leaves. The exotic savor of pandan, present in almost every Philipinese sweet and cake, had now reached Zebracat. So the flavor of matcha can intertwine with that of grassy and vanilly pandan, enchacing a soft aroma of almonds.
Boost de verde și aromă – matcha mixat cu frunze de pandan. Notele exotice ale pandanului, prezente în aproape toate deserturile filipineze, au ajuns acum și la Zebracat. Pentru ca gustul matcha-ului se întrepătrunde cel ierbos și vanilat al pandanului, evidențiind o aromă fină de migdale with notes that easily bring the floral scent of roses.
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Artificial intelligence, broadly defined, concerns itself with any class of algorithms or techniques that allow a computer to do some task in a rational manner.

Tea leaf powder as in matcha, Zebracat’s pandan sauce, fresh cow milk/plant milk, home-made sugar syrup/sweetener, tapioca pearls, ice